Company profile
RKR = Roots blower Kettler Rauchfuß

Facts and figures
Established: 1977 (by F.-W. Kettler and W. Rauchfuß)
Employees: > 60
Turnover: € 24.6 million (2017)
Premises: ~ 22,000 m²
Products: Positive displacement blowers, screw compressors, engineering, service
Year | Event |
1977 | Established as RKR Verdichtertechnik GmbH by F.-W. Kettler and W. Rauchfuß in Hameln |
1981 | Move to Rinteln, Braasstr. 16 |
1994 | The RKR quality management system is certified for the first time according to ISO 9001 |
2003 |
RKR becomes 100% subsidiary of AERZEN International Sales GmbH; company name changed to RKR Gebläse und Verdichter GmbH |
2009 | Opening of the new RKR test bench (1215 m³) |
2011 | Purchase of 22,000 m² former Braas premises |
2015 | Move to new administration building at Braasstraße 1 |
2016 |
The RKR energy management system is certified according to ISO 50001 for the first time; Expansion of logistics and assembly capacity at the location |
2017 |
40 years RKR and new brand appearance „Wir sehen auf‘s Ganze!“ (DE) respectively „Enjoy being understood!“ (EN) |
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