RKR service offering
RKR SERVICE OFFERING You are at the centre of all our solutions. We respond to your wishes with holistic understanding. That‘s why we see our range of services as a total system consisting of ten performance elements based on the technology of oil-free, two-shaft positive displacement machines. 4 MB
RKR customer service Benefit from our experienced customer service team: worldwide availability, flexibility and reliability. After all, as a manufacturer, we‘re simply closer to the action. 1 MB
RKR MATIC - CONTROL SOLUTIONS FOR BLOWERS AND COMPRESSORS RKR-MATIC is an intelligent industry automation system based on a modular design. 712 KB
Machine dimensions
Screw compressor for gas operation Design and dimensions for RKR screw compressors series C-G 208 KB
Solutions for your application
MOBILE OIL-FREE COMPRESSED-AIR PRODUCTION RKR Screw Compressor - self-sustaining mobile container with diesel drive 466 KB
EAC CERTIFICATE FOR ROTARY PISTON BLOWERS Import authorisation for the European Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) 409 KB
EAC CERTIFICATE FOR SCREW COMPRESSORS Import authorisation for the European Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) 410 KB
General information
General data protection policy This is our general data protection policy. The data protection statement for the collection of user data on our website can be found at 174 KB